What is “Gentle Esscents”?

The idea for Gentle Esscents came to me during my trip to Arizona. A couple friends and I went to a local small business shop and saw they had handmade perfumes. Wanting a good perfume of my own, I sampled a couple smells and one stood out that smelled good but didn’t spray enough to know how it would affect me. I got over excited and made a purchase without hesitation. We went home and when I sprayed a couple times, I immediately got a headache. I was so disappointed and sad because I wanted to enjoy a smell for once.

Later that day, while I was in the shower, it hit me. Why not make my own fragrance spray? It’s always so hard to find a good non overwhelming fragrance because not many people don’t know what it’s like to be sensitive to smells. How hard can it be for someone who is to make their own? (Very actually but the process was very simple. The headaches trying were the hard part.) When I got home, I started planning and planning to build this company and hopefully all of you enjoy my baby, Gentle Esscents. Thank you for listening!

Our fragrances are handmade with 100% pure essential oils and Gentle Esscents is cruelty free! I am committed to self testing and being as green and eco friendly as possible. Being sustainable and eco friendly is very important to me and my company. That’s why one of our goals is to encourage you to contact us to send back your Gentle Esscents bottle for a refill for great savings! Eventually, we hope to have a local location to stock up and drop off your refill for an in person option. We thank you in advance for choosing Gentle Esscents!